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Google Stepping Up Its Podcast Game...But When?

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2019. Find out more

At Google I/O Tuesday CEO Sundar Pichai announced that Google will soon be indexing podcasts so the engine can surface relevant episodes of a given program, based on the content, not just the title.

Podcasting executives believe the industry will take another big step forward if Google ever decides to give podcasts a very visible location on Google’s main search page. For now, here’s what the company announced.

In a video, posted to Twitter by Google’s Zack Reneau-Weeden, Pichai stated that podcasts were an important source of information and consumers will now be able to search based on content not just a title. Users will be able to tap to listen right in the search results or save an episode for later.

On Twitter Weeden said there was no timeline for the new feature, “but at a high level the goal is to make it easier for people to discover and listen to podcasts everywhere they are.”

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