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Good Trouble for Kids Returns

· Time to read: ~2 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

The second season of Ooh You’re in Trouble launched its second season with an episode about challenging the school dress code. The show is a part of the Trax Network of shows from PRX designed for kids from ages 9-13.

If you were a kid who got in trouble growing up and it wasn’t your fault then you might enjoy passing along this show to the 9 to 13-year-old’s in your life. It was made with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to let kids know that sometimes it’s okay to break the rules.

According to Phyllis Fagell, school counselor and author of _Middle School Matters: _

_"_It can be really helpful to use a vehicle such as a podcast, like Ooh You’re in Trouble to have these conversations with children, because… it gives the child some emotional distance… using a podcast or a character in a movie or a lyric from a song, or even a story about a friend’s child who lives in another state can be so effective, is because tweens have a really hard time solving their own problems. They are just too close to the situation. And by using an outside person and outside character, a story from a podcast, it allows them to have that emotional distance to help them come up with a solution to a problem that they might not readily be able to retrieve if it was about themselves."

Ooh You’re in Trouble shares true stories of rebels, rascals, rule breakers, and even some revolutionaries. Hosted by Merk Nguyen, who goes by “LV” (Little Voice Inside Your Head), Ooh You’re in Trouble features tales of mischief from real kids.

Season 2 announcement is available here for all you troublemakers.

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