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Good News For Podcast Advertisers

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more

LeadsRx has launched a multi-touch, cross-channel attribution product that incorporates real-time podcast advertising data alongside other advertising mediums. It will give advertisers an opportunity to evaluate their return on investment when they buys ads in a podcast.

By using the new podcast attribution capability, advertisers can now see which outcomes are driven by podcast advertising independently and in conjunction with other advertising channels.

LeadsRx CEO AJ Brown says, “While there are some point solutions on the market that provide siloed podcast advertising analysis, that is all they focus on. They don’t consider podcast advertising’s interaction with other channels, which is so critical for accurate insights and for tracking return on ad spending. This new facet is invaluable for anyone advertising on podcasts or producing their own podcasts.”

Westwood One Chief Insights Officer Pierre Bouvard said, “No longer can brands dismiss podcasting for its lack of measurement. LeadsRx, the leader in advertising attribution, has expanded their platform to include podcasting. Now brands can evaluate podcasting’s ability to drive search and site traffic alongside TV, AM/FM radio, Google and Facebook.”

For more information on the product GO HERE

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