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Get The Best Out Of Patreon

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2019. Find out more

Sean Howard offers up a great checklist on Medium about how to grow your Patreon page. Many podcasters have turned to Patreon to try to make more money from their shows by appealing to their superfans. Here a sneak peak at what Howard has to say…

Here are six important points from Howard’s checklist: 1) Find other creators you admire on Patreon 2) Become a financial supporter of one or more of the above creators on Patreon 3) Make a list of what they do that you admire 4) Take a few weeks to see how often these creators post and how they engage with their community. Take notes. 5) Start writing and configuring your Patreon (see tips below) 6) Create a calendar or schedule for your posts to your Patreon community.

Read the entire article HERE

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