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Former CNN Anchor Launches

· Time to read: ~1 min

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Former CNN journalist Carol Costello teams up with Evergreen Podcasts for Carol Costello Presents: Blind Rage, a podcast about a survivor-turned-detective who became a part of the team investigating the crime against her.

Costello revisits the brutal attack of Phyllis Cottle, a woman savagely assaulted on her way to work in Akron, Ohio, in March of 1984.

“I’ve wanted to share Phyllis Cottle’s story for years. Finally, it’s time for the world to know about a courageous survivor who became a symbol of strength, ingenuity, and wisdom.” Costello offered. “Her story is tragic, but that’s not her full story. Her life in her words, ‘had a purpose’ after she escaped her attacker.”

In 2019, parole was denied for Cottle’s attacker Samuel Herring. Herring was convicted of brutally attacking Cottle on that fateful day, permanently blinding her. Herring was sentenced to nearly 300 years in prison.

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