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Facebook Fail

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Did anyone even know Facebook was into podcasting? The social media giant got into the podcasting business about a year ago by allowing hosts to publish shows to their Facebook page. The company will quietly exit the space over the next few weeks without much fanfare.

Bloomberg News reported last month that Facebook is now focused on other initiatives. “We’re constantly evaluating the features we offer so we can focus on the most meaningful experiences."

Facebook doesn’t plan any major announcement. The company says it will let publishers handle how to let their followers know. The company will wind down podcasting, Soundbites and its general audio hub. It will no longer let podcasters add shows to Facebook as of this week, and will remove them entirely on June 3rd.

Obviously podcast hosts can still share their shows on Facebook whenever they publish. There was no indication that publishing on Facebook added any significant increase to any show’s listening numbers.

There are also reports that Live Audio Rooms will be integrated into Facebook Live, allowing users can choose to go live with just audio or audio and video.

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