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Every Advertiser Wants To Talk Podcating

· Time to read: ~2 min

This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more

Those are the words of iHeartMedia COO Richard Bressler during the Deutshe Bank Media, Internet & Telecom Conference Tuesday which was just another opportunity for Bressler and CEO Bob Pittman to brag about podcasting.

Bressler said something that should be music to every podcaster’s ears. He said “every one of our 60,000 advertisers wants to talk about podcasting. It’s raised the specter of audio and the effectiveness of audio.”

That’s good news for every podcaster, big or small, because one of the biggest challenges for independent podcasters is making enough money to turn his or her podcast from a hobby to a business. And Bressler said those advertisers include the big guys like Proctor and Gamble and the corner pizzeria.

Pittman went on to say, as he has many times in the past, that podcasting is an extension of radio, another form of companionship,"

And he spoke about the advantage iHeart has with its hundreds of radio stations and the company’s strategy to use unsold inventory to promote podcasts.


Antionette Blake -

I love this - last evening I held the first of my monthly “Podcasting Your Purpose” Workshops because I want others to know that there is power, prestige and money to be made podcasting. I will share this article with my Facebook Group.

#### [Felix A Montelara]( "") -

This is great news for all the LatinX podcasters from the Latin Academy of Podcast Awards #latinpodcast

#### [Brett Johnson]( "") -

“…every one of our 60,000 advertisers wants to talk about podcasting.” That I believe. They want to talk about podcasting as a marketing tool, not an advertising option. So let’s keep this on the topic of advertising/sponsoring. Will every one of them advertise on podcasts? Why isn’t this happening? You have the stage, the presence, with the decision makers to make it happen. How excited are you getting them to consider sponsoring the indie podcaster? Or are the conversations mostly in the vein of creating podcasts for their particular brand or service. That I can believe is the case.

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