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Edison Research to Present Black Podcast Listener Report

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The Black Podcast Listener Report 2.0, conducted by Edison Research in partnership with  SXM Media and Mindshare, will be presented during a webinar Wednesday, February 22 at 2pm ET. REGISTER.

Forty-three percent of Black Americans age 18+ are monthly podcast listeners**.** Findings from the study illuminate how Black Americans consume podcasts, discover podcasts, why they listen, and more. The study is a follow-up to the original Black Podcast Listener Report from Edison Research, SXM Media, and Mindshare.

Findings will be presented by Gabriel Soto, Senior Director of Research at Edison Research, Nidia Serrano, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at SXM Media, and Alexis Reza, Associate Director of Comms Planning at Mindshare.

The report also includes findings on how Black Americans feel about podcast advertisements, podcasts with video components, the topics and genres they are most interested in, and the importance of black creators in podcasting. Over 2,500 Black Americans age 18+ were surveyed for the study.


Harry Alexander -

I bet how Black Americans listen to podcasts will mirror other races on how material is consumed. We already have research on age demographics, so now we need one for specific races? Program your podcast to reach ALL listeners rather than a particular race.

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