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CBS Wins Podcasting Patent Appeal

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This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more

According to Bloomberg Law, CBS Corporation will not have to pay a $1.3 million infringement award to Personal Audio.'

The reason CBS will not have to pay is because the patent was invalidated by an administrative panel years ago. The latest ruling, in CBS’ favor, was handed down by The Federal Circuit Court.

Back in 2014, after a 5-day trial, a Texas jury awarded Personal Audio $1.3 million agreeing that the TV network violated Personal Audio’s patent on podcasting. Personal Audio sued CBS for making over 40 podcasts available for download basing its claim on a patent titled “System for disseminating media content representing episodes in a serialized sequence.”

According to Bloomberg Law the latest ruling “underscores that parties must go to the Federal Circuit to challenge a Patent Trial and Appeals Board decision. Personal Audio LLC couldn’t fight in district court the legality of the Patent and Trademark Office tribunal’s finding that its patent was anticipated and obvious, and the Eastern District of Texas was right to toss the jury verdict in light of the board’s findings, the appeals court said.”

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