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Blubrry Releases Two Podcast Statistics Data Points

· Time to read: ~1 min

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Blubrry has released two new points: Estimated Audience and Episode Comparison. Available for Advanced Hosting podcasters and above, podcasters will see the new metrics within the Podcast Statistics section of Blubrry’s Podcaster Dashboard.

Estimated Audience gives podcasters insights into the audience that falls into Listeners and Subscribers/Followers. See the difference between those listening and those who are subscribed to and/or following a podcast via the RSS feed.

Episode Comparison makes it incredibly easy to see the audience progress per episode. Podcasters can compare the most recent episodes to see not only which episodes performed best, but how quickly as well.

“We took our time developing these new metrics, as we wanted to ensure that we were providing accurate numbers for a very common question podcasters have had over the years," said Todd Cochrane, CEO of Blubrry.

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