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Audioburst Lanches Search Widget

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Audio Search and Delivery Platform Audioburst has released a beta version of Audioburst Finder, an embeddable web search widget for podcasts and conferences.

Audioburst Finder enables podcasters to transform their websites into powerful podcast distribution and discovery platforms. A keyword search across podcast episodes allows visitors to find and listen to engaging audio “bursts” (bite-sized clips), sampling content before subscribing. An integrated social sharing feature enables listeners to share their favorite bursts directly to social media, thereby distributing the podcast to entirely new audiences.

“The Audioburst Finder brings us one step closer to solving the challenge of audio discovery,” said Amir Hirsh, Co-founder and CEO of Audioburst. “It opens a window through which listeners can search and sample creators’ content before subscribing. Additionally, as brands build out audio strategies and produce high-quality content, Audioburst Finder gives them a new way to repurpose the content and engage consumers right from their corporate website.

As online and hybrid events continue to grow, The Audioburst Finder for Conferences provides a way to search conference sessions online. This empowers organizers to engage virtual participants, leverage content to drive ticket sales, and boost sponsorship revenue.

“We’re happy to come back together in person this year, while also streaming dozens of hours of content for global audiences that can’t make it,” said Dan Franks, President of Podcast Movement. “The Audioburst Finder on our website enables the Podcast Movement community to search through audio clips from this year’s sessions by keyword, speaker, brand, or topic, and discover bite-sized content and specific moments they may have missed or wish to discover. We’ll be adding content daily, and hope our members dive in and find some bursts they love!”

“Over the past four years I have had the privilege of interviewing more than 200 guests and recording hundreds of hours of insights they offered,” added Bret Kinsella, founder and editor of and The Voicebot Podcast. “However, many of those insights are buried at 44 minutes and 23 seconds into a 70 minute interview. It is nearly impossible to go back and find what was said when you are looking for it. And, transcript searches are okay but don’t have the fidelity of the original recording and are hard to share without added work. This is a problem for podcasters, and is even a higher mountain to climb for listeners looking for the gem in your interview. I am excited that Audioburst Finder for Podcasts makes this all dead simple. We can finally find the exact segment of audio content we need almost instantly."

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