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About Dave's Bitcoin Zoom Call

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

Podcasting Hall-of-Famer Dave Jackson is hosting a Zoom meeting tomorrow night at 9PM Eastern for anyone trying to understand the podcasting/crypto/value4valule model. He’s released the agenda for the call. Here’s what you’ll learn…

TOPIC 1: The Different Options of Accepting Streaming Sats We hope to get a grasp on the current options available for people looking to accept streaming Bitcoin. The other topic we hope to get more information on is wallets. What are the pros and cons?

TOPIC 2: Wallets OK, I have multiple podcasts. Do I need multiple wallets? What’s a node? I understand people go “Oooh, you have your own node” but I don’t understand why having your own node gets an “ooooh'.

TOPIC 3: Podcast Expectations We’ll be setting up the ownership and expectations of the podcast. Who are the host(s)? Who owns the show? What are the expectations? What are the goals? Is this a hobby or a business?

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