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A New Podcast About Gaming Launches

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2021. Find out more

The five-minute daily podcast is called Let’s Play Daily Gaming News and it comes from Sound That BRANDS, the Los Angeles based branded podcast studio.

Geared at video gaming industry professionals and enthusiasts, the five minute daily podcast will provide a quick recap of the latest industry news. In 2021, the video game market size in the United States is projected to surpass $65.49 billion. Gaming news happens constantly.

Nate Bender, creator of the popular podcast Limit Break Radio and the creator/host of “Checkpoint XP,” the first nationally syndicated radio show about video games and esports, serves as host of Let’s Play Daily Gaming News.

“With Sound that BRANDS, I’ve created a daily gaming news podcast for all, from casual gamers to pros,” Bender said. “I’m a player and I work in the industry, so my goal is to bring people the up-to-date information that people like me need, every day.”

Dave Beasing, CEO of Sound That BRANDS, said, “The time has come. There’s a huge demand for daily game news that’s delivered in a factual, fun, concise way.”

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