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5 Reasons You SHOULD Start That Podcast

· Time to read: ~6 min

This is an archived page from 2020. Find out more

(By Molly Ruland) It’s the beginning of the new year, and everyone’s buzzing about resolutions and plans and I’m over here wondering if you are going to finally start that podcast. You know that it will benefit your business and brand, but what most people don’t talk about is how a podcast can make you a better person. That’s right, everyone wins when you commit to the podcast you have been daydreaming about.

I know you are thinking, but Molly, it’s soooo much work. And you’re right, it is. But let’s face it, nothing worth having comes easy. Life is all about exercising the right muscles to get the results you want. This is why it’s so important to follow through with your plans or you might send yourself down the wrong path.

Attainable goals are important, we need little wins to keep the machine moving but we also need challenges. How many times have you set huge goals for yourself only to fall short? James Clear, who wrote “Atomic Habits” says that coupling habits and starting small is the key to success. Is it realistic for you to start a weekly podcast? Do you really have the time and resources for a daily flash briefing? Both are amazing tools for business development and visibility but if you aren’t consistent they can wreak havoc on your mindset and you will lose the confidence of your audience.

Realistic expectations matter, make sure you aren’t setting yourself up for failure.

When facing any new challenge It’s easy to think about how hard it will be to start something new that requires so much intention, but man is it rewarding. So, today I am going to share with you the top 5 reasons why you should start a podcast this year. If this little list doesn’t light a small fire in that engine of yours, send me an email and I’ll personally reach out and help you find the right reasons for your specific mission.

  1. Comfort Zone Killer. It’s hard to put yourself out there, everyone has something that makes them feel out of place. Even the most confident person has weak spots, its human nature. Creating authentic content will force you to be vulnerable and open. Providing value doesn’t have to mean that you have it all figured out, the value is being on the journey with you and watching you win, and lose. Asking strangers to be on your podcast, or vice versa can be uncomfortable. Asking your heros to be a part of something you have created will stir up some serious imposter syndrome. However I promise you, on the other side of that discomfort is great joy. You got this. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between anxious and excited, you get to decide. Let this be the year that you decide to be the captain of your ship. You determine the course, you set the sails. Get excited about what’s next. It won’t be easy but it will be soooo worth it.
  2. Thicker Skin. It’s a crazy time to be alive, everyone has an opinion and sometimes they are really mean about it. Podcasts offer a unique opportunity to share perspective and learn about one another without interruption. However, no matter how good your content is, it’s going to take time. You will put a lot of love into your content, and there’s a good chance you won’t have a lot of downloads right away. It’s a labor of love. You have to get used to a little rejection because it’s not “the field of dreams”, just because you did the work doesn’t mean they are coming. It’s whether or not you keep going and stay  consistent or not. That will determine your success. It’s a life skill that matters in every arena. It’s not about how many times you fall. What matters is how many times you get back up. That resilience is contagious and it just might save us all.
  3. It Feels Really Good. There is no better feeling than spending time on something you care about and seeing it thrive. Podcasts have given us the unique ability to share messaging in a way that is so imperative to the survival of our culture. Knowing that the content you have created has helped someone or touched someone is really rewarding. It’s so empowering to see an idea turn into reality. You have a voice, you should use it. Listening is the revolution. Let’s get this party started. Let’s make the world a better place, one podcast at a time.
  4. Branding Excellence. Podcasts can benefit your business in countless ways. From lead generation to brand awareness, podcasts are an incredible visibility booster. If you want your target market to know that you are an expert in your field a podcast is an excellent way to show people that you know your stuff. People buy from people, not companies. Marketing is a constantly changing landscape in this digital revolution, things are happening fast and podcasts are the next wave. You get to be yourself and attract the tribe you deserve and need to make 2020 the year to remember. Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword, it’s the best way to get the client base you want. Engineer your business to be exactly what you want it to be, start with excellent branding. Messaging matters, like Bob Marley said, “You are, where you stand in the struggle”. Don’t let anyone else speak for you, it matters now more than ever.
  5. Being Present. Being a good podcast host is hard. You have to do a lot of research about your guests. You have to prepare great questions; and most importantly, you have to be hyper present and really listen. Sometimes your interview can go off the rails and you have to get that train back on track. It’s a real art to be a great host, you will need to practise a lot. Your first podcast will probably stink, but you have to start somewhere. You will get better with every episode and the collateral benefits of being truly present will manifest so much positivity in other aspects of your life. It’s a beautiful thing and worth every minute invested. It’s so much more than podcasting. These are solid life skills that we all need more of.

Molly Ruland is the founder and producer at Heartcast Media in Washington DC. You can reach her directly here.

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