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Goldstein To Lead College Podcasting Course

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Amplifi Media CEO Steve Goldstein will teach a new course at NYU called The Business of Podcasting. The accredited college course will focus on the business side of podcasting.

Goldstein is an adjunct professor at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture,  Education, and Human Development.

The Music Business program in the Department of Music and Performing Arts  Professions at NYU’s Steinhardt School will offer the course for the fall semester 2023. It is open to all NYU undergraduate students.

The Business of Podcasting covers economics, content, marketing, and trends.  Students will learn essential elements of the podcast business through  workshops, discussions, guest speakers, readings, and research. They will evaluate the  business from all angles, including the evolving economics, production, ad sales,  listeners, technology, and key players, and will then create a business plan.

“Steve brings real-world podcast experience at a high level into the classroom and that  will make for a rich student experience,” said Larry Miller, Clinical Professor and  Director, Music Business Program NYU Steinhardt. “NYU offers many courses in audio  journalism, linear storytelling and sound design, but none on the actual business of  podcasting, which drives over a billion dollars in revenue. By exposing our students to  the structure of the podcasting segment and giving them a framework for show  development, this exciting new course will help prepare the next generation of  podcasting professionals.”

“I am honored to join the faculty at NYU Steinhardt School and bring the first full semester college-level podcast course that focuses on the podcasting business to our  students,” said Steve Goldstein, Founder/CEO of Amplifi Media. “The mission is to stay on top of the fast-changing podcast space, and being in New York, we will introduce  students to some of the top names in the field.”


Antionette Blake -

This is great, as I have inquired about teaching a podcasting for business and brands coursechere in Delaware as well. I could teach the course at Delaware State University, Wilmington University or DelTech.

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