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Heal Thy Self Podcast

· Time to read: ~1 min

This is an archived page from 2022. Find out more

_’_The Awakened Underground’ will explore the ancient art of healing yourself with shamanic plant medicines & psychedelics. The investigative show hosted by Cody Blue will examine what these mystical experiences teach us about the nature of consciousness.

Cody Blue is an international award-winning filmmaker and son of Twisted Sister front man Dee Snider. He will sit with experts in the field of psychedelic medicines including shamans, scientists, doctors, athletes, and celebrities who have healed themselves with psychedelics.

“Whether you’re someone who is already on this path to healing or its your first-time hearing about it, I’m looking forwarding to broadening the minds of all our listeners,” said Blue. “As someone who struggled with the many side effects of traditional pharmaceutical medications, my hope is this show will lead people to better understand the benefits of shamanic plant medicines and psychedelics as well as question the real motives behind the traditional medications."

The limited series podcast is comprised of 10 episodes and premieres March 29.

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